
ISOMERA: The Ultimate Javascript/Typescript SaaS Boilerplate Monorepo for Modern Developers

Unlock the future of seamless SaaS development with ISOMERA, the all-encompassing Javascript/Typescript starter boilerplate monorepo. Designed for visionary developers, ISOMERA streamlines the creation of enterprise-grade applications by providing a robust, modular, and scalable foundation. Whether you're kickstarting a project with React, Next, Nest, or diving deep into TypeORM, React Query, and Material UI, our platform is your ticket to efficiency. Beyond a mere boilerplate, ISOMERA offers comprehensive documentation, training materials, and a community-driven approach. Contribute to the revolution, join a community of like-minded developers, and redefine the standards of SaaS development.

Every developer understands the journey: starting with basic functionalities and, over time, integrating advanced features like 2FA, role management, or intricate middleware logic. At the outset, it might seem manageable, but as your project scales and evolves, these additions can accumulate into months of development time. Not to mention the effort spent ensuring earlier work seamlessly integrates with new features. With ISOMERA, this narrative changes. While not every feature on our ToDo list is immediate, our roadmap is designed with foresight. As your project matures, ISOMERA grows with you, offering advanced functionalities just when you need them. It's not just about the initial boost; it's about the cumulative time and effort saved over the life of your project. Dive straight into innovation, knowing the foundational and advanced are already taken care of.

🌟 Join the ISOMERA Revolution as an Open-Source Contributor! 🌟

Are you passionate about shaping the future of SaaS development? Looking for a platform where your expertise can make a real difference? Welcome to ISOMERA! As an open-source project, we believe in the collective genius of the developer community. Your insights, skills, and dedication can help elevate ISOMERA to new heights. Whether you're a seasoned expert or a newcomer eager to learn, there's a space here for you. Dive into our code, collaborate with like-minded innovators, and let's co-create the ultimate Javascript/Typescript boilerplate for the next generation. Join the ISOMERA family and let's craft the future, one line of code at a time. 🚀

Thanks to our sponsors

Cortip Atlassian Sentry






  • Keep this starter project updated and aligned with best practices.
  • Produce training materials to simplify your startup process.
  • Maintain a streamlined UI, offering flexibility to choose between SCSS, Styled Components, Material UI, or Tailwind for your designs.

Libraries pick

  • TypeScript
  • React
  • React Query
  • Next.js
  • Nest.js
  • TypeORM
  • Formik
  • Class-validator (for Formik validations & DTOs)
  • Luxon


  • Documentation: Getting Started
  • Documentation: Going to Production
  • Training video on how to get started
  • Training video on best practices

Technical ToDo

  • NX monorepo workspace
  • Landing page with Next.js
  • CI & Tests
  • Prettier & Linting
  • Generated documentation for API with Compodoc
  • Swagger for API endpoints
  • DTO as shared lib
  • React Query for app data storage
  • Interfaces as shared lib
  • Utils as shared lib (for example time formatting)
  • TypeORM & DB migrations
  • Plan a strict rules for timestamps (this is frequent problem for projects where users has to interact across multiple timezones)
  • Connect S3 or other object bucket
  • Production Dockerfiles
  • SSL in development
  • Transactional emails and templates (prod/dev)
  • Websockets for notifications and updates
  • GDPR compliance
  • Easy solution for roles and access management
  • SQS queue and jobs - support heavy load
  • Redis & Memcached for caching + tooling in code
  • Production split for api and workers to allow better control on auto-scaling
  • ...

Features plan

  • User can Sign Up & Sign In using email
  • User can Sign Up & Sign In using Google, Facebook, Apple or Microsoft
  • User can Sign Up & Sign In using phone number (Twillio)
  • User can reset password
  • User can invite other team members to organization (org created for every user, if it's not needed, should be easy to disable or just ignore)
  • User can enter company details to organization (for future billing)
  • User can manage roles for team (OrgOwner, OrgAdmin, OrgManager, OrgFinance, OrgAnalytic, OrgSupport, OrgUser, OrgReadonly, OrgClientVIP, OrgClient)
  • User can transfer organization ownership
  • User can enable 2FA
  • User can enforce 2FA for organization users
  • User can edit basic profile details (name, photo)
  • User can delete organization
  • User can delete account
  • ...

Developing locally

Getting started

Environment preparation

You will need to install docker and make into your machine to be able to work on this project. All other dependencies are managed via Docker util images and ran via Make commands.

Using commands

You can use main commands the way you were used to, just with few small changes. Since Make considers flags as it's own flags, not arguments being passed, you'd need to add -- before flags. For example make npm -- -v. Otherwise it would give you version of make.

Adding node packages
Example :
make yarn add some-package
Using NX
Example :
make nx <whatever you need>
Using Node
Example :
make node index.js

If you need some other console tool, please modify Makefile and add installation of it to the node utils image at docker/utils/node.dockerfile. Consistency is important.

Running Tests

This is pretty simple, just

Example :
make nx run-many -- -t test
Example :
make nx run-many -- -t e2e

Running services

Run API locally

This will launch API service on port 8080:

Example :
make nx serve-api

This will launch platform on port 4200:

Example :
make nx serve-platform

This will launch landing on port 3030:

Example :
make nx serve-landing

REPL for Nest.js

Example :
npm run start -- --watch --entryFile repl


To create new migration, use this command:

make migration-create --name awesome-migration

awesome-migration is the name of migration ;)

(if you forget to add --name flag, it will create new file in src dir)

And run this command to run all your migrations

make migration-run


The "Contribution Leaderboard" ranks users based on the number of commits they have made in their pull requests, displaying them in descending order.

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